Friday, February 23, 2007

February 21, 2007 Meeting Great Work. Bravo!

Betty's List Book Club members ate, talked, laughed and formed up into five book groups! If you were there...thanks for your incredible cooperation and quick wittedness. If you missed the meeting, don't worry, we have spots for new members at the next meeting (Mark your calendars for Wednesday March 21).

Lots of folks wanted their own copy of the organization they are. As Organization Facilitators check in, I'll be putting up a separate post for each group, so that you can blog with each other. Keep watching this main blog; I'll be posting more over the weekend.

Let there be (Smaller) Groups

1. Divide into groups of at least 8, but not more than 10.

2. Have a quick group discussion to select a book.
•Each person, who wants to, throws out one title, and explains quickly why they think that it would be a great choice.
•Take a vote. The book with the most votes is it.

3. Pick someone to be the Organization Facilitator
•This person will FIRST collect a roster of names, phone numbers and emails from the members of the group.
•This person will lead a discussion of the time and date for the next two meetings of the individual group.
•This person will make a listserv of the members and send one email reminding everyone of what they decided about the book and date. Please include me on the email list (, so that I can set up a post on the blog through which your group can communicate. (
•At the first meeting, you will pick a Discussion Facilitator, and decide if this job will rotate, and if so, how often. This person will have skills in group dynamics and how to keep the group focused on the book (for the first hour at least), and be sensitive to making sure everyone gets a chance to express her views.
•At the first meeting, pick a name for your group. I am already calling the first group the Byatt Group because of their first choice of book

4. I will attempt to attend the first meeting of each smaller group that invites me, and be there to answer questions and help out. (

5. After tonight, I will be facilitating the Monthly Betty’s List Book Club Meeting for the entire group. At these meetings we can share our small group experiences. We will have speakers and other special book related events. These meetings will start exactly at 6:30 (or 7:00 if you decide that is more convenient). I encourage folks to come early and have dinner. The pastrami sandwich and lentil soup I had last time were outstanding.

Happy Reading,

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